The window A/C unit just wasn’t cutting it anymore

For a long while, I have been using a single window A/C unit in my garage.

It’s basically my shop space because I do all sorts of projects in the garage and all of my tools are kept in there.

This past summer, I came to realize that I couldn’t handle the severe temperatures when I was working in the garage. The window A/C unit just wasn’t cutting it, even after I worked on adding extra insulation to the garage space. So I ended up calling the local HVAC company to see what kind of HVAC I could have installed there. An HVAC professional came out and said he would suggest going with a single zone ductless mini split. He said not only would it provide the ideal amount of cooling on the hot summer days, but it would be highly energy efficient and would also provide heating in the winter. Well, this sounded way better than trying to get by with a window A/C unit and a portable heater. When I got the estimate for how much the installation would be, it was a little more pricey than I had anticipated. Fortunately my friend told me that I could install this type of HVAC system on my own without the need of an HVAC professional. He said it was easy and he already installed a multi zone HVAC at his home with no issues. I ordered the single zone ductless mini split and he was right, it was simple to install. The secret to the DIY was the fact that the line sets were filled with pre compressed refrigerant.

heating and cooling brighton co