My dad was a great HVAC technician

I miss my dad so much.

  • He passed away back in 2007, and I cannot tell you how hard it has been without him in my life.

He was my everything. He taught me all that I know. He was always teaching. Everything that he did with us kids was a lesson, but he made it fun. Because of him, I love to learn and to work with my hands. I am so grateful that I had such a wonderful father and role model in my life. My dad was an HVAC technician by trade, but he could do just about anything. He did teach all of us children about HVAC work though. I got to go with him on many service calls, and he would teach me all about how furnaces and air conditioners work. I just loved it. I wish I remembered even half of what I learned, but I am thankful that I knew enough to be able to fix my own furnace. I did get a little help from my husband, but I was able to diagnose the problem, and I knew how to fix it as well. I credit that all to my amazing dad. I wouldn’t know the first thing about fixing a furnace if it weren’t for his devoted teaching and patience. I am definitely not as good as he was though. My mom told me the other day that her thermostat was giving her trouble, and I went over there to look at it, but I could not figure out what the problem was. If my dad was still here, there is no doubt in my mind that he would already have that thermostat working properly again. I miss him so much!

quality hvac equipment