The house is really warm now that we have a fireplace downstairs

I never thought that our house was chilly before, but now that we have a fireplace in the living room, it is super warm and toasty in our house.

Well, at least downstairs is super warm and toasty.

I get cold upstairs in our bedroom sometimes, but I think that is because the windows in our bedroom are old and tend to lose quite a bit of heat. I really only wanted a fireplace for aesthetic reasons, but after getting it, I realized that I really love the warmth that it brings to the house as well. To me, there is nothing more comforting than walking into a warm house after working hard all day. My husband has even commented on how much he likes the house being a bit warmer. We were going to get a regular old wood burning fireplace, but we changed our minds last minute. My husband thought that he would not mind chopping wood to keep up with the demand of the fireplace, but he ended up getting promoted at work, and now, he works more hours which means he has less time to chop wood. He decided that getting an electric fireplace would probably be best for us. I am glad that he did because I was not looking forward to the mess that carrying wood into the house would make. I am sure that the electric fireplace is not nearly as warm as a wood fireplace would be, but it is much less maintenance. I think it sort of balances out the issue. Plus, we really do not need the fireplace to give off any more heat than our electric one does. It makes our house the perfect temperature.



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