Zone controlled HVAC solves thermostat sensitivity

I have a daughter who is a total unicorn.

The fact that she is the baby also sort of sets her apart in my eyes.

But it’s her personality that really makes her so special. Yet with all her uniqueness, there comes a lot sensitivity. She’s an emotional sort who is always trying to help or serve others. And that can come with some tough lessons. But she’s also sensitive to the slightest change in thermostat settings. And while all I could do was support her when it came to the emotional sensitivity, I could actually do something about the physical sensitivity. I couldn’t do much about where she went to school and that heating and cooling equipment. That little girl goes out the door with all manner of layers each day as she heads off to school. That’s something I can’t really control. But I can control this thermostat situation in our home. So I called the HVAC company to inquire about zone controlled HVAC. I was very pleased to find out that I didn’t have to replace our entire HVAC system in order to get zone controlled HVAC. Instead, all I had to do was have the HVAC technician come out and tweak our existing heating and cooling equipment in order to get zone controlled HVAC. Once the heating and cooling upgrade was complete, our home had six different zones. And I made sure that my youngest had a thermostat in her room. It’s made a big difference for her and I’m just so glad that I could do something that made her a bit more comfortable in this world.

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